My name is Fadli. I am Currently finishing my master in Agriculture Science Resources Management in University of Bonn, Germany. I have grown an interest on ecological sanitation and circular economy since I start my master thesis on similar topic. I am writing my master thesis on nutrient recovery from human waste for agriculture resources. I work with David in Institute mOBILNO to go and KAKIS ltd as a part of EIT Climate-KIC’s Pioneers into Practice (PiP). Pioneers into Practice is mobility programme which challenge sustainability professional to step outside their comfort zone and look at things differently. During my study I involved in several scientific project, however I always wanted to start my own business in sustainability. Thus, PiP connect me with David and his company. During my placement we developed the prototype of human waste composting. I provide insight from biological process while David work on engineering part. I also joined some business meeting with KAKIS prospective customer. The most exciting part is to step out from my shoes as academia and change perspective as an entrepreneur. During this placement, we also developed a business idea on recovering human waste in to fertilizer. And I am really excited to […]